The chances of IMG's in 2019 NRMP match

Good news for IMG's, the matching rate of foreign medical graduates in 2018 has improved, it hit the highest level since 1993.
Fewer U.S. citizen and non-U.S. citizen students and graduates of international medical schools (IMGs) registered for the Match than in 2017.
Of the 5,075 U.S. IMGs who submitted rank order lists of programs, 2,900 matched to a PGY-1 position for a match rate of 57.1 percent.
Of the 7,067 non-U.S citizen IMGs who submitted rank order lists of programs, 3,962 matched to a PGY-1 position for a match rate of 56.1 percent. The PGY-1 match rates for U.S. citizen IMGs and non-U.S. citizen IMGs were the highest since 1993.

Based on the data, can we say that they now accept IMG's at a higher rate?
Not really, even though the matching rate has increased, the number of the active non US IMG's has dropped during the same period of time as the following:
in 2017, there were 7,284 active participants 3,814 Matched PGY-1 (52.4%)
in 2016, there were 7463 active participants 3,769 Matched PGY-1 (50.5%).
so, as we can see there is an increase in the total number of slots matched, but it is not as big as it seems to be.