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What makes Mapping CCS your best choice for USMLE Step 3 preparation?

There are many preparation materials for USMLE Step 3 CCS, Mapping CSS is distinguished because:

1- We bring you the latest: unlike USMLE World CCS cases, who are using an older version of the software and has not updated their information for years, we update our program to bring the latest information. a new 2019 edition mapping ccs has just been released.

2- We are well established, unlike the new service published last year which lack the experience and fails on many fronts.

our software has been used by thousands of students for more than 14 years, we started with 65 cases and through the years, we made changes and adjusted to the new development.

3- We provide full customer service support: unlike some other companies whose responsibilities toward you end when you buy their products, our duties starts after you purchase from us, we provided services to our customers years after purchases. we use email, phone and skype to communicate with them and to make sure that we solve all the issues they have.

4- We provide other services too: We provide live 1 X1 tutor service which become very popular recently, with our tutor service you will be able to review CCS faster and to ask questions that are important to you.

5- We have other materials for USMLE Step 3: Our products include Words for the Boards Biostatistics review, EKG for USMLE. 6- We offer Live EKG teaching courses: in addition to our EKG teaching programs we offer Live EKG tutor services for interns and residents.

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